Thursday, March 16, 2006

Lesson 4: Faith

Father A. shared with us:-

“Faith (in God) is reasonable but cannot be reasoned and Faith comes before understanding”.

Interesting statement, food for thought.

Father A. further illustrated with an analogy. A mother would prevent the child from eating too much ice cream but the child may not understand the reason for it but because the mother said so, it must be true.

Likewise, this is akin to our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Many a times, we (the child) may be going through events that we cannot fully comprehend but we should trust in Him coz He is ultimately our Creator. He loves us and He would never bring me harm.

So far, in what I have learnt in Romans, it is about Faith – faith in my creator, trust my life in His hands, do His will and I will be blessed abundantly. Even though I may not understand at one point in time, don’t let the question distract me but continue to seek His guidance and trust in Him.

The purpose of my existence is not to understand God’s plan entirely but to enjoy the process of continuous searching for Him and growing with/in Him.


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